***Elayne Zhou (she/her)***

Inspired by Mallory Dobias | Created and last updated September 2022

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a39e456a-78d0-496a-8d08-f6b1528c7f8d/IMG_2552.jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/a39e456a-78d0-496a-8d08-f6b1528c7f8d/IMG_2552.jpg" width="40px" /> About the author: Elayne identifies as a cisgender, bisexual Chinese-American woman and the daughter of immigrants. She is a Clinical Psychology PhD student at the University of Southern California. She was successful during her second application cycle four years after graduating from her undergraduate institution.


Disclaimer: I am speaking only on my own experience applying to Clinical and Counseling Psych PhD programs in the United States as a domestic applicant. Nothing written is representative of all applicant experiences or programs. These are not representative of the views of the University of Southern California or the Clinical program there. These are specific tips and observed pitfalls from my own application process at each stage. I recommend you start with the below resources for a broader overview of the process. This guide is meant to complement rather than replace the resources that already exist.

Additional Comprehensive Guides:



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Table of Contents:
